Thursday, April 18

Strong in the Struggle

Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.
✝︎ Psalm 24:8 ✝︎

I like to think of a modern way of expressing who "the Lord" is in Psalm 24:8 as being the One who is strong in the struggle. And today, Good Friday, I am called upon to think about the true nature of that struggle. No place in the Bible better describes who the "King of glory" is and how this King relates to the struggle between good and evil than the Gospel According to John. There, Jesus speaks of glorification as being handed over to die.

The institutions of the world—both governmental and religious—joined forces to put an end to the threat they saw in Jesus, who freed people to be themselves in the Presence of God, dependent upon neither a national identity nor a religious hierarchy to be whole. In executing this upstart preacher, Rome and Jerusalem thought they were winning the battle.

But how could death defeat the One who was glorified in death? Through self-sacrifice, he was stronger in the struggle than those who thought they had the upper hand. May my meditation on the cross this day reveal to me the One whose love knew no boundaries and whose strength was revealed in weakness.

O Christ, The Master Carpenter, who at the last through wood and nails, purchased our salvation, wield well your tools in the workshop of the world, so that we, who come rough-hewn to your bench, may here be fashioned to a truer beauty by your hand. We ask this for your Name and for your sake.
 ✝︎ Iona Community, Scotland ✝︎
Our Father...

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