Tuesday, May 14

Happiness Doubled

O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.
O fear the Lord, you his holy ones, for those who fear him have no want.  
—Psalm 34:8-9

Calvin introduces verse 8 a bit brusquely, saying that in it...

the Psalmist indirectly reproves [people] for their dullness in not perceiving the goodness of God, which ought to be to them more than a matter of simple knowledge. By the word taste he at once shows that they are without taste; and at the same time he assigns the reason of this to be, that they devour the gifts of God without relishing them, or through a vitiated loathing ungratefully conceal them.

I felt rather convicted by this, because though this is one of my favorite verses, I tend to think of it (and use it) only in reference to the Lord's Supper. This isn't a bad thing, except that this particular usage of the verse has led me away from a more generalized meaning—namely, that every bite of food I swallow (indeed, every puff of air I breathe, every drop of water I drink, etc.) should remind me that all I have is a blessing from God. To eat, drink, breathe, live without gratitude is to "devour the gifts of God without relishing them."

Before I pray, I'll remember something G.K. Chesterton once said: "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. "

Forgive me for taking, Lord, without acknowledging that yours is the hand that gives. Thank you for all your good gifts, in the Name of him who taught me to receive my daily bread as from your hand by praying: Our Father...

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