Thursday, August 1

Come and See

Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals.
Ps 66:5

When the psalm tells us to "come and see what God has done," it's talking about taking note not of the wonders of creation in nature, but about how God has dealt with God's people. Calvin reminds us that the Bible (both Old & New Testaments) "calls upon us to descend into ourselves if we would discover the proofs of a present God," for the awesomeness toward people spoken of here is God's "evincing an extraordinary providence in their defense and preservation."

This notion of finding the information we need within ourselves is a common theme for Calvin, who spoke of it quite near the beginning of the Institutes [1.5.3], stating that "certain of the philosophers have not improperly called man [sic] a microcosm, as being a rare specimen of divine power, wisdom, and goodness, and containing within himself [sic] wonders sufficient to occupy our minds, if we are willing so to employ them."

I'll take Calvin's lead, then, in meditating on this psalm this morning, and realize that we "need look no further, therefore, than [our]selves, in order to discover the best grounds for reverencing and fearing God." What has God done in my life to provide love, care, protection, and—yes—correction? Do I need further proof of God's grace and providence?

Thank you, God, for all you have done in my life and in the lives of my ancestors in the faith. Help me look within myself and discover both the new things you are doing, and the old things I never noticed; in Jesus' Name, who taught me to pray: Our Father...

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