Thursday, November 7

Vindication and Justice

The Lord works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed.
He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.
Ps 103:6-7 

I think the character of God is demonstrated not just in the here and now, and certainly not only in my hopes for the future, but as much as either of these, in God's dealings with my forebears. And so after Psalm 103 calls upon my soul to bless God for what God does for me, it moves quickly to God's justice for all the oppressed and then to a reminder that this vindication goes all the way back to Moses.

It's so easy to overlook this or to take for granted that this is so. But in reality, this movement—from personal blessing to justice for all the oppressed to remembering God's mighty acts in the past—needs to be rehearsed on a regular basis. Learning this pattern may not seem like a huge benefit today, but tomorrow when I really need it, I might not have the remembrance or the experience to access this information unless I've committed it to memory when things are going smoothly.

Even if I do it quickly, Lord, help me to count my own blessings by recounting who you are for those in need, and how you have acted in the past to vindicate your people; in Jesus' Name, who taught me to pray: Our Father...

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