Friday, December 27

What Makes a House a Home

Your statutes have been my songs wherever I make my home.
Ps. 119:54 

Before Christmas, I spent some time thinking about the psalmist being but a sojourner on earth. Today's verse also leads me to think of him or her as a pilgrim or a sojourner. Though it's important during the holidays to think about home and family, some parts of Psalm 119 give a whole new perspective on what makes a house a home. It's not the coziness we associate with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. It is the indwelling of God. Therefore, wherever I can sing God's praises is where I am truly at home.

God, you have given me a lodging in this world but not an abiding city. Help me, a pilgrim, to endure hardness, knowing that at the end of my journey Christ has prepared a place for me. Amen.
 A New Zealand Prayer Book 
I pray in the Name of Christ, who taught me: Our Father...

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