Tuesday, March 10

Pillars of Prayer

The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord accepts my prayer.  
—Psalm 6:9

Do not study how to arrange your words when you come before the Lord. Leave the expression to the occasion—it shall be given you in the same hour what you shall speak. When your heart is like a boiling geyser, let it steam aloft in pillars of prayer. The overflowing of the soul is the best praying in the world. Prayers that are indistinct, inharmonious, broken, made up of sighs and cries and damped with tears—these are the prayers which win with Heaven. Prayers that you cannot pray, pleadings too big for utterance—prayers that stagger the words and break their backs and crush them down—these are the very best prayers that God ever hears. 
—Charles Spurgeon (Aug. 23, 1888)

Everlasting God, in whom I live and move and have my being: You have made me for yourself, and my heart is restless until it find rest in you. Visit my heart and make there a dwelling for yourself that you may live in me and I in you, forever and ever.
Augustine of Hippo
(Our Father...)

Crossposted to Opossum Screed 

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