Monday, February 24

A God So Nigh

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Ps. 145:18 
The nearness or remoteness of a friend is very material and considerable in our troubles, distresses, wants, dangers etc. I have such a friend and he would help me, but he lives so far off; and I have another friend that has a great love for me, that is able to counsel me, and to speak a word in season to me, and that in my distress would stand close to me, but he is so remote. I have a special friend, that did he know how things stand with me would make my burdens his, and my wants his, and my sorrows his; but he is in a far country, he is at the Indies, and I may be undone before I can hear from him. But it is not thus with you, O Christians! who have a God so nigh unto you, who have the signal presence of God in the midst of you, yea, who have a God always standing by you.
—Thomas Brooks

I thank you, Lord, for always being by my side. Forgive me for trusting more in others than I do in you. Yea, make my faith complete; in Jesus' Name who taught me to pray: Our Father...

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