Tuesday, February 25

That Great Liberator

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help.
Ps. 146:3 
Through some kind of weakness, the human soul, whenever it is in tribulation here, despairs of God, and chooses to rely on another human being. Let it be said a person in some affliction, "There is a great man who can set you free," and he rejoices, he is lifted up. But if it is said to him, "God frees you", he is chilled, so to speak, by despair. The aid of a mortal is promised, and you rejoice; the aid of the Immortal is promised, and you're sad? You're promised that you shall be freed by one who needs to be freed with you, and you exult as though it were great aid: you're promised that great Liberator, who needs none to free him, and you despair, as though it were but a fable. Woe to such thoughts: they wander far; truly there is sad and great death in them.
—Augustine of Hippo

Thank you, Lord, that because Jesus has set me free, I am free indeed. Give me grace to rest in that knowledge, and not to seek deliverance from those who are no stronger than I am. I pray this in the Name of the One who taught me to pray: Our Father...

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